Monday, May 08, 2006

Allow Me to Introduce Myself...

This blog is not about me. Nonetheless, you might want to know where I’m coming from, at least from a spiritual standpoint.

At the most basic level, I am a Christian, specifically an Episcopalian. For the last 10 years I’ve read and pondered some of the deeper thinkers of the contemplative life—people like Thomas Merton, Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila. This interest has led me deeper into monastic and contemplative practices, like silent and centering prayer.

About a year ago, I became an “associate” of Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, New York, an Episcopal order. In essence, associates take a modified version of the Rule of Life that the monks live by, and tailor it to their life in the world. So, for instance, I’ve committed myself to daily prayer of various sorts, spiritual reading, life balance, and being present to those around me, but I still own a house, love my wife, and run a business (as I mentioned before, I write ad copy for a living). I am no priest or theologian: just a regular guy who can’t get enough of God.

While I identify myself as Christian, that by no means excludes the truths found in other faith traditions. I find myself enthralled by what I read of Hinduism and Buddhism, for instance. The fact that both Christians and Hindus essentially revere one ineffable God who appears in three persons quite amazes me.

So that’s me. In this space, we’ll very likely talk about many of these things. Come on along for the ride.

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